
In the early 1600s, any and all magic seemingly disappeared from this known world; including any creatures that stemmed from it. That was until 1990, when magic reappeared and either awakened long sleeping gods or allowed those other human to come out of hiding. Today, the magic and mundane are just apart of everyday life, where your upstairs neighbor is a dragon prince studying at NYU or you've suddenly gotten a knack at seeing the future.


New York City has been transformed into "The Living Metropolis," an entity possessed by an Old God. The city's streets, buildings, and infrastructure unpredictably morph, creating an ever-shifting labyrinth. One day your favorite coffee shop is on 42nd, then 5 days later pops up on Park Avenue.

  SETTING   Contemporary architecture melds with mystical elements, and the subway system has evolved into a network of portals, connecting to other dimensions. Magic, having returned to the world after centuries of dormancy, is now an integral part of daily life. This resurgence has also welcomed mythical beings like elves, dwarves, and faeries into the fold of modern society, each adapting uniquely to this new world. The possession of New York by an ancient deity has infused the city with arcane energy, influencing its residents and culture. Diverse faiths and cults have sprung up, with varied perceptions of the Old God. Navigating the city requires resilience and adaptability due to its constant transformation. The blend of technology and magic has led to novel innovations like spell-enhanced gadgets and a new breed of technomancers who merge magic with digital expertise. Art, music, and cinema are deeply influenced by the mystical, creating surreal and enchanting experiences.  MAGIC & SOCIETY   Magic returned to the world IN 1990, leading to a renaissance of arcane arts, and those non-human previously in hiding to make themselves known. Once-mythical beings like elves, orcs, and faeries are now common, coexisting with humans. Each species has adapted to modern life in unique ways. Magic is used for everything from transportation to communication, making it an integral part of society. However, its unpredictable nature in the Living Metropolis adds an element of chaos.  CHALLENGES   The ever-changing landscape of the city poses a daily challenge for its inhabitants, creating a labyrinthine urban jungle. Governing bodies struggle to regulate magic use, leading to conflicts between different factions and ideologies. Portals and rifts sometimes allow dangerous entities to enter the city, requiring constant vigilance.

  LIVING METROPOLIS   Streets, buildings, and infrastructure change unpredictably, guided by the whims of the Old God. One day, a street may lead to Central Park; the next, it might open into a hidden market selling enchanted artifacts. Buildings have developed arcane personalities. Some might welcome visitors, while others might maze or even repel them based on arcane criteria. Transformed into a network of portals, the subway now connects not only different parts of the city but also other dimensions and realms.  THE OLD GOD  An ancient, powerful deity took over NYC, infusing it with its essence. Its motives and nature are shrouded in mystery. The inhabitants have adapted to the changing city, developing a unique culture that embraces flexibility and resilience. New faiths have emerged, worshiping the Old God and the magic it brought. These range from benign to fanatic.  TECH-MAGIC FUSION   Technology has evolved to incorporate magic, leading to innovations like spell-enhanced smartphones or enchanted public transport. A new class of technomancers has emerged, blending coding skills with spellcasting to manipulate both digital and arcane realms.  CULTURAL ASPECTS   Different cultures have integrated their traditional magical practices into the new world, leading to a rich tapestry of arcane traditions. Magic has influenced art, music, and cinema, creating surreal experiences and performances.



explored themes ― detective, grumpy, traumatized, 'i dont need another partner im a lone wolf"


  FULL NAME    Kerrigan Lane Flint
  ALSO KNOWN AS    Kez, Detective Flint
  D.O.B. + AGE    March 21st ( 45 )
  ZODIAC    Aries/Scorpio/Capricorn
  GENDER + PRONOUNS    male / he, him
  OCCUPATION    Detective with the ACU
  SPECIES    Human, Divination Seer


  LANGUAGE(S)    English


  HAIR    salt & pepper, short
  EYES    Steel blue
  HEIGHT + BUILD    5'10, lean body build
  SCARS    faded scar runs under his jaw
  TATTOO(S)    N/A
  OTHER FEATURES    square jaw,rugged yet handsome appearance,stubble beard


  POSITIVE TRAITS    Intuitive, doggedly determined
  NEGATIVE TRAITS    Serious, dry wit, closed off
  LIKES + DISLIKES   The quiet before dawn, strong coffee, the certainty of evidence. // Dark magic, bureaucratic red tape, and criminals who think they're smarter than him  MBTI    INTJ


Kerrigan Flint’s career began as a beat cop walking the unpredictable streets of the Living Metropolis. His latent divination abilities surfaced during a standoff with a magic-wielding thief, allowing him to anticipate the thief’s next move and save his partner's life. Recognizing his potential, the Arcane Crimes Unit recruited him, and he quickly rose through the ranks due to his natural talent and dedication.Flint's reputation as a brilliant detective was solidified when he solved the infamous "Rune Killer" case, where he used his divination magic to link disparate, mystically obscured clues. Since then, he's been the go-to detective for the most baffling cases, earning him respect and a healthy dose of fear among the criminal underworld. While his work consumes much of his life, Flint secretly yearns for the normalcy and peace that so rarely touches his world—a world where magic can be both a blessing and a curse.


explored themes ― deaf character, selkie, crushing big time, 'teaching you how to sign so to totally flirt with you', sunshine character


  FULL NAME    Larkin Daniel McKenzie
  D.O.B. + AGE    December 23rd ( 29 )
  ZODIAC    Capricorn/Aries/Taurus
  GENDER + PRONOUNS    male / he, him
  OCCUPATION    Owner of Golden Hour Coffee Shop
  SPECIES    Half-Selkie


  LANGUAGE(S)    American Sign language


  HAIR    Brown, mullet style with shaved sides
  EYES    Brown
  HEIGHT + BUILD    6'3
  SCARS    N/A
  TATTOO(S)    Various tattoos down both arms
  OTHER FEATURES    Athletic body build, chin stubble


  POSITIVE TRAITS    Empathetic, resourceful, has an infectious optimism
  NEGATIVE TRAITS    Occasionally wistful, struggles with a sense of belonging, can be stubbornly independent
  LIKES + DISLIKES    The smell of fresh coffee, silent mornings, and the camaraderie of regular customers, Pollution, the feeling of confinement, and pity from others  MBTI    ISTP
  MORGAL ALIGNMENT    Neutral Good
  ENNEAGRAM TYPE    Type 8, Wing 9


Larkin McKenzie's life is a tale of two worlds colliding. Born to a selkie mother and a human father, Larkin was immersed in the duality of land and sea. However, his selkie heritage was lost when his pelt was stolen shortly after his birth, leaving him unable to return to the sea and live as a selkie. Growing up near the shores, he always felt the call of the ocean but could never answer it. His deafness, an aspect of his existence that he's embraced fully, has never been a limitation but rather a different way to experience the world. Larkin found solace in the quietness of his world and the rhythm of the bustling coffee shop where he works. Larkin's mother, a selkie without her pelt, instilled in him a love for the land and its people, teaching him to find the magic in everyday interactions.
His father, a compassionate man, supported Larkin's endeavors, always encouraging him to bridge the gap between his two heritages.
Larkin turned to coffee, a craft he excelled in, using the sensory experiences of taste and touch to connect with others. His coffee shop has become a haven for those who appreciate his unique style and the subtle enchantments he weaves into his brews—a touch of selkie magic in every cup. Larkin wears a seashell pendant, a gift from his mother, containing a drop of the ocean, allowing him to carry a piece of his heritage wherever he goes. He has become a beloved figure in the neighborhood, known for his sunny disposition and the small notepad he carries, encouraging written conversations and shared laughter. Despite his inability to return to the sea, he finds joy in the community he's built and the life he's created on land, embodying the resilience and adaptability of his selkie lineage.


explored themes ― orc, will do anything to protect and support his family, fight club


  FULL NAME    Drogan Grushna
  D.O.B. + AGE    July 16th ( 32 )
  ZODIAC    Cancer/Taurus/Scorpio
  GENDER + PRONOUNS    male / he, him
  OCCUPATION    Volunteer Community Worker, Pit Fighter
  SPECIES    Orc


  NATIONALITY + ETHNICITY    Orcish-American
  LANGUAGE(S)    English, Orcish


  HAIR    Black, short and messy
  EYES    Brown
  HEIGHT + BUILD    7'1
  SCARS    Various scars across body
  TATTOO(S)    Traditional orc tattoos on both arms
  OTHER FEATURES    Green skin, large muscular build


  POSITIVE TRAITS    Loyal, determined, surprisingly gentle
  NEGATIVE TRAITS    can be gruff, not very patient, sometimes too headstrong
  LIKES + DISLIKES    Cooking with his mom, music, working at the youth center, bullies, noise pollution, pity  MBTI    ISTJ
  MORGAL ALIGNMENT    Lawful Neutral
  ENNEAGRAM TYPE    Type 6, Wing 5


Drogan Grushna found himself in the underground fighting rings not out of a love for violence but out of necessity. Raised in a rough neighborhood on the outskirts of the Living Metropolis, Drogan learned early that life could be a battle in itself. His father, a former boxer, fell to an illness that left the family struggling, and his mother's job wasn't enough to keep up with the bills and his father's medical expenses. After his father's passing, Drogan stepped into the rings, his natural orcish strength and resilience making him a formidable contender. He fights not for glory or the thrill of the win, but for the money to keep his mother in the comfort she deserves, refusing to let her toil after a life of hardship. Each scar he carries is a story of a fight not for himself, but for her.Despite his intimidating exterior, Drogan is known among close circles for his unexpected kindness and sense of humor. He volunteers at community centers when he can, teaching young ones self-defense and the importance of standing up for what's right. In the ring, he's a beast, but outside, Drogan is a pillar of his community, a protector to those around him. His loyalty to family and friends is unwavering, and he dreams of one day leaving the fighting behind to live a peaceful life, maybe opening a gym to train the next generation.


explored themes ― Werewolf boyfriend, Comfort & Fluff, Full Moon shifting


  FULL NAME    Tiago Braz Rocha
  D.O.B. + AGE    October 9th ( 28 )
  ZODIAC    Libra/Leo/Sagittarius
  GENDER + PRONOUNS    male / he, him
  OCCUPATION    Mechanic, Musician
  SPECIES    Werewolf


  BIRTHPLACE    São Paulo, Brazil
  LANGUAGE(S)    English, Portuguese


  HAIR    Brown, short
  EYES    Green
  HEIGHT + BUILD    6'4
  SCARS    Various small scars across body
  TATTOO(S)   Tattoo sleeves on both arms, chest, and neck
  OTHER FEATURES    Tanned skin, lean build, brown wolf ears and tail


  POSITIVE TRAITS    Charismatic, fiercely loyal, passionate
  NEGATIVE TRAITS    Can be overly protective, impulsive, has a temper when provoked
  LIKES + DISLIKES    The freedom of the night, playing guitar, the adrenaline rush of a good run, restrictions on his freedom, cruelty to animals, and the misconception that all werewolves are wild and untamed  MBTI    ESFP
  MORGAL ALIGNMENT    Chaotic Good
  ENNEAGRAM TYPE    Type 7, Wing 6


Tiago Rocha along with his large family (Mother, Father, and 7 other siblings) immigrated to New York when he was till waddling around in diapers. Growing up in a family that embraced their heritage, Tiago learned to balance the duality of his nature early on. His childhood was filled with stories of the old country and the deep forests where werewolves roamed free.As a young adult, Tiago's love for music became his way of expressing the wildness inside him in a world that often didn't understand the werewolf spirit. He plays gigs at various clubs around the city, his performances imbued with the passion and intensity of his werewolf soul. By day, he works in a garage, his skilled hands adept at fixing up motorcycles, giving him a sense of peace and satisfaction.


The living metropolis is comprised of many different factions, organizations, religious groups, and criminal syndicate. each have their own goals and agendas, either working to better the city or bring it to its knees.

  ARCANE CRIMES UNIT   The Arcane Crimes Unit or the ACU, is a specialized division of the NYPD that specialize in solving crimes involving magic. The division is comprised of highly trained detectives, some with magical abilities, who maintain order and justice in a city rife with magical crime. Each precinct across the city has their own ACU that is usually composed of 3-5 detectives.

  SENTINALS OF THE OLD GOD   This group is a religious sect & church devoted to the Old God that possesses the city. Followers are compromised of both human and non-human followers, including influential figures within the city. This gives the the organization some sway in politics within the city. Their goals are to interpret and serve the will of the Old God, often through rituals and sacrifices.

  THE GILDED CIRCLE   The Gilded Circle is an exclusive club of wealthy elites with a penchant for magic. Its members are comprised of affluent individuals, often with ancient magical bloodlines. From political figures to Hollywood actresses and nepo babies, the club is strictly invite only and one of the hardest clubs to get into (even if you are wealthy). Their known to fund magical research and political campaigns, with rumored ties to the Sentinals of the Old God

  IUAA   The Illuminated University of Arcane Arts is the premier institution for higher learning for both humans and non-humans, offering diverse programs in mystical studies. They are a powerhouse of magical knowledge, producing some of the finest mages, politicians, and lawyers, who go on to serve in various capacities throughout the city. They are located in Midtown.

  THE TECHNO-ARCANISTS GUILD   The TAG is a guild comprised of techmancers that work to blend both magic and technology together. The guild is comprised of innovators, tech wizards, and spell programmers all working to merge the realms of tech and magic for the advancement of society. The guild was formed in the early mid 2000s by IUAA alum when the world saw a surge in technology.

  THE GREEN WARDENS   The Green Wardens are environmental protectors who use nature magic to preserve the city's parks and green spaces. Composed of Druids, dryads, and eco-mages, the Wardens advocate for environmental policies and urban sanctuaries.

  NIGHTWATCH BROTHERHOOD   Disillusioned with the ACU's effectiveness, the Brotherhood is a faction of vigilantes using dark magic to fight crime on their own terms. They employ morally ambiguous methods to eradicate crime through any means necessary; causing them to be at odds often with the ACU.

  THE SILVER SIGIL   Is a scholarly circle at IUAA dedicated to the study and preservation of ancient magics. Comprised of both students and educators, who work to safeguard magical lore and prevent its abuse by educating the next generation of mages. It is one of the oldest societies at IUAA, having been founded in the University's first year of opening.

  THE TRANSIT ARCANUM   The Transit Arcanum is the governing body responsible for the magical subway system, employing Portal Navigators to guide citizens through the interdimensional network. They maintain the delicate balance between the various realms connected to the city and ensure safe travel for all beings.

  THE GRIT   Hidden in the shadows of the Lower East Side, The Grit is an underground fight club where magical creatures of all kinds are pitted against one another in clandestine battles. These fights range from non-lethal bouts testing strength and skill to more dangerous encounters that are frowned upon by the authorities. The club operates in the murky underbelly of the city, away from the prying eyes of the Arcane Crimes Unit, and is run by a mysterious figure known only as "The Ringmaster."



  MIDTOWN   Dubbed Magus Midtown, it is a bustling commercial area with towering skyscrapers enchanted to house magical businesses and corporate sorcerers. . Towering buildings adorned with shimmering runes stretch into the sky, their foundations rooted in ancient ley lines that power the district's enchantments. The streets buzz with activity as magical entrepreneurs conduct business alongside mundane corporations, all seeking to harness the district's potent arcane energy. This is the place where the latest magical gadgets are traded, where the most innovative spellcraft is developed, and where the movers and shakers of the magical world wheel and deal.Notable Locations The Grand Arcanum Plaza, The Illuminated University of Arcane Arts (IUAA), Glimmerglass Towers, Leyline Core  EAST VILLAGE   East Village stands out as the cultural heartbeat where bohemian charm meets the arcane. The streets are alive with a kaleidoscope of colors, as magical murals shift and animate, telling stories of the city's soul. The air is fragrant with the scent of spellbound blossoms and the tantalizing aromas from cafes where brews are enchanted to warm both body and spirit. Artisanal magic shops line the cobblestone streets, offering everything from love potions to dream-catchers, while the sounds of enchanted instruments spill from the doorways of music venues, casting auditory spells on all who pass by.Notable Locations Chroma Conclave galleries, The Midnight Market (occasionally), Changeling Theater, Velvet Veil, The Gossamer Gardens TIMES SQUARE   at the center of the Living Metropolis, a dazzling display of the magical world's audacity and splendor. By day, the square is a swirling vortex of activity where humans and non-humans from every corner of the globe and beyond converge. Towering digital billboards have been replaced by enchanted screens that display ever-changing vistas—from serene magical landscapes to live feeds of dragon nesting sites. The streets are lined with vendors selling enchanted curios and street sorcerers offering to cast day-long luck spells or protective wards for a small fee.Notable Locations Portal hubs, Techno-Arcanists Guild headquarters  UPPER EAST SIDE   The Upper East Side is a sanctuary for the elite and discreet, where the city's wealthiest reside in grandeur and tranquility. This district blends the historic charm of its majestic brownstones and elegant townhouses with the sophistication of modern magical security. Enchantments of privacy and peace are woven into every brick, and the streets are lined with ancient trees whispering secrets to those who know how to listen. The area is patrolled by golems and guardian spirits, ensuring utmost safety for its residents.Notable Locations Historical magical societies, Pinnacle Penthouses, The Gilded Circle  LOWER EAST SIDE   The Lower East Side is a sharp contrast to the polished streets of the Upper East Side, known for its raw energy and edgy vibe. The buildings are a jumbled mix of old tenements with newer structures, all adapting to the organic growth enforced by the living city. Among these, pop-up venues for magical duels and secretive nightclubs cater to those seeking the thrill of raw magic and unregulated enchantments.Notable Locations The Grit, Nightwatch Brotherhood hideouts


  WILLIAMSBURGH   Williamsbugh is a cultural hub for the city's younger population. It is an eclectic and vibrant district within the Living Metropolis, where the old industrial heart of the city has undergone a magical renaissance. This neighborhood marries the rustic charm of its industrial past with the innovative spirit of the modern magical era.Notable Locations Artisanal magic craft markets, The Green Circle community gardens.  GREENPOINT   Lorem Greenpoint offers a unique blend of suburban tranquility and spiritual mystique within the Living Metropolis. This area is characterized by its verdant parks and quiet, tree-lined streets, where the houses and apartment buildings are imbued with protective and nurturing charms. Greenpoint has become a sanctuary for those attuned to the spiritual and ethereal realms, attracting mediums, seers, and those sensitive to the otherworldly.Notable Locations Haunted historical sites, Spirit-focused magic schools.  CONEY ISLAND   Coney Island is a whimsical and enchanting seaside destination in the Living Metropolis, where the magic of old fairgrounds meets the allure of the mystical sea. This area has been transformed into a wonderland of magical amusements, where classic rides like the Ferris wheel and rollercoaster have been enchantingly modified to provide experiences that transcend the ordinary. The boardwalk is lined with stalls offering enchanted treats and games that test not just skill but magical prowess as well. The ocean is home to friendly merfolk who sometimes surface to interact with the visitors, offering guided tours of their underwater realms or participating in spectacular water shows.Notable Locations The Merfolk's Boardwalk, Enchanted Aquarium


  BRONX YARDS   The Bronx Wizarding Yards is a robust and industrious district, where the heritage of the Bronx's working-class roots is intertwined with the practical aspects of magic. This area has evolved into a central hub for the magical manufacturing and crafting industries. The landscape is dominated by large warehouses and factories, some of which date back to the early industrial age, now retrofitted with magical enhancements to aid in production. The streets are bustling with a mix of workers, golems, and enchanted machinery, all working in unison to produce everything from basic magical tools to sophisticated arcane devices.Notable Locations MagiCorp industrial sites  BRONX PARK   This park is a haven for urban druids, nature mages, and all who seek solace in the natural world. Ancient trees, some as old as the city itself, are interwoven with gentle enchantments, enhancing their vitality and creating a sanctuary for various magical creatures. The park's layout changes subtly with the seasons, influenced by the natural magic that permeates the area.Notable Locations The Green Warden headquarters, Bronx Zoo, New York Botanical Garden


  ASTORIA   Astoria is a vibrant and diverse neighborhood in Queens and melting pot of cultures and magical traditions. This area has embraced the resurgence of magic, intertwining it with the rich heritage of its inhabitants. The streets of Astoria are a colorful mosaic of ethnic eateries, bodegas, and magical shops, each offering a unique blend of cultural and arcane wares. Here, one can find everything from Greek charms for good luck to South Asian potions for healing, showcasing the global nature of magic in the modern world.Notable Locations Potions Quarters, Lorekeeper's Library, Elemental Gardens  FLUSHING MEADOWS   This area has transformed from its historical significance as a World's Fair site into a dynamic venue for magical exhibitions and events. The park is a patchwork of diverse landscapes, each section echoing a different realm or magical tradition. Here, one can wander through an enchanted forest, explore a miniature magical replica of the world, or relax by a lake that reflects not just the sky but also distant galaxies. The "Globe of the Mystics," an enormous, ever-shifting globe, serves as an iconic centerpiece, displaying the ever-changing map of magical hotspots around the world.Notable Locations The Transit Arcanum main station.  CHARMED SHORE   The Charmed Shore is an enchanting coastal area of Staten Island, where the sea's magic is as palpable as the salt in the air. This shoreline has been transformed into a mystical haven, where the mundane meets the maritime magical. It's a place of sandy beaches with shimmering, enchanted waters, home to a variety of magical marine life and frequented by friendly merfolk who often interact with the visitors. The piers and docks of the Charmed Shore have been adapted to serve as mooring points for magical vessels, including ships that sail through the air and those that navigate interdimensional waters.Notable Locations The Merfolk Enclave, The Transit Arcanum naval portals.  MYSTIC HIGHLANDS   The Mystic Highlands is a magical reinterpretation of the more suburban, hilly areas of Staten Island, like the Todt Hill and Serpentine Ridge regions. In the Living Metropolis, these areas have been transformed into a realm of enchantment and tranquility. The hills and valleys are suffused with a gentle magic that promotes peace and serenity. The neighborhoods are interspersed with enchanted forests, where the trees whisper ancient secrets and rare magical creatures roam freely. The homes in this area are often traditional, but with subtle magical enhancements that blend seamlessly with their surroundings.Notable Locations Sanctuary zones for magical wildlife